Thursday, September 24, 2009


Yoga, says this one may be familiar in people's ears Asia especially Indonesia. Because not too long ago are still fresh in our memory that occurs controversy about Yoga in Indonesia.
Yoga was developed over 5,000 years ago in India and it included spiritual beliefs, physical techniques, and scholarly philosophy. Yoga itself is known for a long time by the American public. Most of them run the Yoga aims to lose weight, eliminate stress, accelerate healing of injuries or even for just relaxation. Americans mainly practice Hatha Yoga, which focuses on postures and stretching the body.
Yoga, which is derived from the sacred Sanskrit language of India, meaning *union* or *to yoke or harness*. Yoga is a way or path to transcendence and liberation from the self and the ego by purifying the mind and body. Practicing yoga leads to a union with the mind and body or the individual and universal consciousness. In other words, yoga is the union with the Individual Self and the Universal Self. Yoga predates all other religions and has influenced and inspired many other traditions and philosophies. Yoga is better understood as a union of the physical, physiological, mental, emotional, and intellectual bodies, which leads to a purposeful and balanced life. Yoga is strenuous, but not painful, and it gives every inch of your body a terrific workout. Even yoga is believed to help you maintain flexibility, build strength and muscle. yoga can help improve strength, but there are also other bonuses. Yoga can help restore the body's stress, reduce back pain by strengthening the spine, increasing glands in the endocrine system, increase stamina, and many also have lagi.Yoga benefits for mental body. This helps increase personal awareness, eliminate the stress patterns in the muscles, helping to sharpen the focus, calm the mind. This also can improve self-discipline, which can be very helpful in our everyday lives.
Mental benefits of yoga comes from the synchronization of body and mind through focus. Many people use yoga to relieve stress, enhance relaxation, to get emotional balance, and improve concentration. Yoga also prevent anxiety attacks, blood pressure, and muscle stress while increasing self-esteem, level of happiness, and improve your immune system. You also can practice yoga right in your living room. Yoga DVDs, books, and home courses are available for those who do not have enough time or flexibility to make the drive across town to regular classes. There is no harm in trying it, right?

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