Sunday, September 27, 2009


Along with the development, human lifestyle began to change. From a modest beginning, until the full life style. From the beginning of life at sunset, to the life at night. We have also already started to prove that time is no longer a barrier for people to activity. Very interesting indeed to see world events and people in it. Even no wonder that many lifestyle that looks distorted, like free sex, drinking, or drugs had been as deeply ingrained in human beings at this age, including young people.
It looks hypocritical when I had to write about this topic but it should be written. It is sad to see young people have ruined his life just because of one association and one in dealing with his lifestyle. It is sad when virginity and virginity is considered false by most young people now, where in ancient times it is a basic point people to judge one's merits. Too early indeed if I have to assess that the younger generation now have been destroyed due to world events, but that we should be grateful that there is also the younger generation who really appreciate their body and mind and not a bit stuck with the wrong lifestyle. Is they-should we give them a little credit for their efforts which may be currently considered one eye due to trapped by the wrong lifestyle.
Parents are the basic points that can control their children as a whole. Friends and friends are unable to influence the eye seen in influencing young people today in the act. Environment also took part in an impact. Media and technology can be blamed in this case. But somehow influence came, back to how the teenager was in react.
Religion and attention is the foundation that really could be a savior of the young generation now. Many cases are blaming a lack of attention to teenagers who caused the wrong foot and destroyed in his youth. When a teenager needs more attention in its development, it should be that we should consider supporting elements that can make them comfortable among us as a society.
Supporting facilities and positive activities that can be used to channel the passion of their youth should we wake up, keep, and maintain for the sake of their youth. Not many teenagers often could not deliver their hobbies and strengths of each so that the channel it the wrong way to be a boomerang for ourselves as a society. Do not blame them when we finally feel disturbed by their behavior because somehow we can not entirely blame them, we too, must take the blame if they are eventually destroyed by the development of this era.
I really hope and pray that we as a society do not look at one eye on the development of the young generation now. They may not be our child, but whatever they do will be a big influence on us. They have however successors and the nation's future depends on their nation. Let us support our youth for the future of a better nation.

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